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Purity Information Technology Company announces the annual financial results for the financial year ended 30 June 2024 (twelve months)

Purity Information Technology

Annual Financial Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2024

Item 2024 (SAR) 2023 (SAR) Change (%)
Total Revenue 92,843,029 63,051,055 47.25%
Total Profit 13,180,881 11,156,072 18.15%
Profit from Operations 3,812,775 6,529,894 -41.61%
Net Profit for the Year 1,954,616 5,485,525 -64.37%
Comprehensive Income 1,617,138 5,483,062 -70.51%
Total Equity 17,412,348 15,795,210 10.24%
Earnings per Share 0.16 0.46 -65.22%


Reason for change in revenues: New contracts in private and government sectors, along with improved revenue flow from hardware and services.

Reason for change in net profit: Net profit decreased by 64% due to additional expenses for new business lines and departments, along with higher financing costs.

External Auditor's Report: Unmodified report with no reservations or disclaimers.

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